
In his well-known book, Al-Hikam (Words of Wisdom), sheikh Ahmad Ibn `Ataa’illah As-Sakandari says:

The best way to ask Him is through expressing your distress, and the fastest way to acquire His gifts is through expressing your humility and need.

The word of wisdom under discussion is about du`aa’ (supplication). It is not about the etiquette of supplication, but it is about the condition of the heart during supplication.

Allah asks the disbelievers about their own experiences:

{Who is it that responds to the distressed when he calls out to Him, and who removes the ill, and has made you inherit the earth? Could there be any divine power besides Allah?} (An-Naml 27: 62)

In this verse Allah makes it clear to the disbelievers that when they sincerely asked Allah for help at times of distress, He answered them. If this is the case with disbelievers in distress, what about if a believer is in distress and asks His Lord for help!

Therefore, distress gets the supplication answered quickly. The Sheikh says: “The best way to ask Him is through your distress”.

If you are in distress and ask Allah sincerely, while feeling the need for His help after the means have failed you, then rest assured that Allah will answer your supplication.

This applies not only to asking Allah for worldly help but also for help with matters of faith as well. The best way to ask Him to guide you is also through distress, need, humility, and hope in His mercy. This is best illustrated in the Prophet’s supplications in different situations.

In the battle of Badr the Prophet turned towards the qibla (prayer direction), stretched his arms out and began his supplication to his Lord:

O Allah, accomplish for me what You have promised me.

O Allah, bring about what You have promised me.

O Allah, if this small band of Muslims is destroyed, You will never be worshipped on the earth!

He continued his supplication to Allah for a long time, until his mantle slipped down from his shoulders. (Reported by Muslim)

This is a supplication from someone in distress, and it was a supplication that was answered swiftly.

Then the Sheikh explains other useful clues for supplication. He says: “And the fastest way to acquire good traits is through expressing your humility and need”.

Some scholars comments on the verse, {Charity is for the poor} (At-Tawbah 9: 60) saying that: If a human gives charity to a poor person in need, what about if the poor person shows his need to Allah? Surely Allah will give him out of His bounties, even more than what another human might give him.

According to the prophetic traditions we know, the person who performs supplication should face the qibla (prayer direction), stretch his hand while praying to Allah, and start the supplication with praising Allah and invoking peace and blessings on the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).

It is also recommended to invoke peace and blessings on the Prophet in the middle and at the end of the supplication. This is the apparent acts of supplication. However, what is of more importance is the condition of the heart when praying to Allah, which we often ignore to follow the example of the Prophet in.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to recite certain prayers at certain situations, such as getting up in the morning, going to bed, wearing his clothes, taking off his clothes, looking at the mirror, washing himself, sleeping, seeing a new moon, in the evening, in the morning, going out, coming back home, and so on.

It is not enough that we follow the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) by memorizing and uttering these supplications. We must acquire the spirit behind them, which is to be connected with Allah at all times.

If we trace the history of supplication, we will not find any person, even previous Prophets, who had this continuous stream of supplications, as much as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). If we survey the Psalms, the Torah, and the Gospel, we will not come across so many supplications as we come across when we survey Prophet Muhammad’s tradition, peace be upon him.

Moreover, we also learned that Prophet Muhammad’s supplications were accompanied by deep emotions. `Ataa’  asked `A’ishah, the Prophet’s wife, once about the most astonishing event she witnessed about the Messenger of Allah. She cried and said:

Whatever was not astonishing about him? One night he came and got in bed with me. My skin touched his and he said: “O Abu Bakr’s daughter, let me off! Let me worship my Lord.” I said: “I love being with you, but I prefer to do as you wish”.

I let him. He got up and took ablution without wasting water. Then he started praying and crying. He cried so much that his tears flew down through his chest.

Then he bent for ruku` and cried. After that, he prostrated for sujud and still cried. Then he raised his head and still cried. He continued to cry until morning. When it was time for the Morning Prayer (fajr), Bilal came and recited the adhan (call to prayer).

And then I said: “O the Messenger of Allah! What makes you cry? Allah has forgiven your past and future sins.” He said: “Shall I not be a thankful servant to Allah? Shall I not give Him thanks?”. (Al-Bukhari)

Prayers may be answered immediately and may be answered eventually.  When Allah does not answer your prayers immediately, be certain that Allah is choosing the best for you. Allah has always been choosing the best for you. Allah says about Himself: {In His Hand is all good.} (Aal `Imran 3: 25)

And Allah’s giving may be in this world or in the world to come, and the choice is His: {And Your Sustainer creates whatever He wills; and He chooses} (Al-Qasas 28: 68) Certainly, His choice is far better and more excellent than ours.

3 Life-Changing Supplications (Dua) and Action Points!

Isn’t it amazing you have a Lord who never gets tired of you asking and of giving you what you need? He even rewards you for asking! Supplicating to Him is the essence of worship; and in what better way can we make dua to Him than by using His Beautiful Names in the supplications He taught us from His Book?

Let’s learn three Quranic supplications covering the main areas of your daily life, while learning five of Allah’s Beautiful Attributes and their meanings along with unique, instant action points based on each supplication!

Use this step by step plan for optimal benefit; read the supplication in Arabic and the translation, ask Allah the Almighty to help you apply the action points and convey them to others.

1. Battle that Resentment

You are praying your prayers, reading Quran and doing your best to study Islamic knowledge, but there’s still something that holds you back from fully experiencing peace inside?

When you look deep in yourself, do you hold resentment or ill-feelings towards any other believers? That one thing someone said to you last month, that argument weeks or even years ago?

 It’s so hard to get rid of these feelings, we say we forgive and forget, but do we really? You know it would make you feel much better, but how can you manage this?

Rabbana ighfir lanaa wa li ikhwaani nal ladheena sabqoonaa bil eemaani wa laa taj’al fee quloobinaa ghillal-lil ladheena aamanoo rabbannaaa innaka Ra’oofur Raheem. (Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts [any] resentment toward those who have believed. Our Lord, indeed You are Kind and Merciful.)

(Quran, 59:10)

Action Points

Beg Allah with this supplication to give you the peace that comes with clearing your heart from resentment. For it is only Allah who can give you this ability and the peace it brings, because He is the Kind and Merciful. Ask Allah to return to Him with qalbun saleem (a sound heart).

Allah’s Beautiful Attributes used: Ar-Ra’oof  and Ar-Raheem

Ar-Ra’oof means the Kind and Compassionate. He is the One who bestows mercy with the utmost tenderness. Ar-Ra’oof has beautiful pity (ra’fah) on us, with which He gently warns us, withholds from us and instructs us to all that is good.

Ar-Raheem means the Bestower of Mercy. He is the One who bestows continuous mercy on His creation and even more grace and greater rewards in response to the good deeds of the believers.

2. Learn to See the Blessing in the Test

Imagine the Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) whom his own brothers had tried to kill out of jealousy, then far away from home as a servant, in and out of a dark prison, and now sitting on a throne. The same brothers are now standing in front of him, pleading for his help.

In this position of success and authority, what would you have done? Revenge or reminding your ‘enemies’ about all grievances they have caused you and enjoying showing them your success now?


Instead, Yusuf calls upon Allah in gratitude for raising him to such a position and arranging the meeting with his long-lost family.  Instead of commenting on their ill treatment, he mentions nothing, but even makes excuses for them saying: it was all due to Satan (who stirred between them.) He even goes further and deems it as a blessing in disguise

Here is the supplication of the Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) on perhaps one of the happiest occasions of his life, which demonstrates the beautiful character of a true believer.

Faatir as-samaawaati wal ardi. Anta Waliyyee fid dunyaa wal Aakhirati tawaffanee muslimanw wa alhiqnee bissaaliheen. (O Creator of heavens and earth! You are my Guardian in this world and in the Hereafter. Cause me to die in submission to You, and join me, in the end, with the righteous.)

(Quran 12:101)

Action Points

Firstly, remind yourself to recognize the blessing in the test. Trust it is Allah’s plan; He is the Creator and your Protector.

Secondly, whenever you are delivered to ‘safety’ after a test, turn to Allah, thank Him and never boast about your position.

Thirdly, when you have suffered injustice at the hands of others, try to make excuses for them and turn to Allah for wisdom in dealing with your pain and the perpetrators.

Finally, let this supplication inspire you to keep asking Allah to guide you in this life, make you of the saaliheen (righteous) and unite you with them after death!

Allah’s Beautiful Attributes used: Al Fatir and Al Waliy

Al-Fatir means the Originator, the Creator. He is the One who initiates and creates and who starts and finishes the complete creation to perfection.

Al-Waliy means the Protecting Friend, the Ally. He is the Lord and Protector of creation, showing the path to righteousness. The One who protects, guards, and supports the believer in this world and the next.

3. Truly Realize Your Need for Guidance and Forgiveness

Do you know thousands of years ago, a Prophet stood up and made dua for you? Reflect on the fact that this Prophet has, all his life, been performing exemplary deeds of obedience, and yet he prays to ‘be made’ obedient! It was the Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and this was his supplication for all of us:

Rabbanaa waj’alnaa muslimayni laka wa min dhurriyyatinaaa ummatam muslimatal laka wa arinaa manaasikanaa wa tub ‘alaynaa innaka antat Tawwaabur Raheem. (Our Lord, and make us Muslims [in submission] to You and from our descendants a Muslim nation [in submission] to You. And show us our rites and accept our repentance. Indeed, You are the Accepting of repentance, the Merciful.)

(Quran, 2:128)

Action Points

Firstly, reflect on how the more you grow in knowledge of Allah’s Names and Attributes, the more you come to realize that you are not as faithful and as obedient as is due and that you need His forgiveness.

Realize how blessed you are with a Lord who constantly guides you to turn to Him and accepts you, and be more accepting towards others. Use this supplication regularly and with sincerity to ask for obedience for yourself and your descendants.

Secondly, the beauty of Islam is that we don’t just care about our own (eternal) success, we should love to see others succeed. Do we feel a true concern in our heart for our descendants?

Don’t only be concerned about your children’s worldly affairs, such as education and wealth, but be concerned about their spiritual well-being too. What does it matter if they are doctors or lawyers but they have forgotten about Allah?

Finally, for those with children, make it a daily habit and assign a time slot to supplicate for your children (and for all of your offspring until the day of judgment). You can make a specific dua list for your children you can use again and again next to the Quranic supplications to do with one’s offspring.

Allah’s Beautiful Attribute used: At Tawwaab

At-Tawwaab means the Oft-Returning. He is the One who inspires mankind to turn to Him and accepts our repentance time and time again.

*Please note that the English translation of the meaning of Al-Asmaa al Husnaa (The Beautiful Names of Allah) is only approximate and doesn’t do justice to the richness of the Arabic language and its meanings.


The Beauty of Dua – How to Stay Connected to God

Verily, the prayer is enjoined on the believers at fixed hours. (Quran 4:103

Allah (SWT) has fixed times for the believers to worship. Five times a day we leave everything behind and return to a conversation with our Creator. We stand, bend, and prostrate to show our surrender to the Lord and Creator of all things.

But there are times of the day, and even times of life when the Muslim is not allowed to approach prayer, the salah that it. Just as we are ascribed break from our day to join in communion with the Eternal, the source of Peace, there are times we are told to refrain from it. And for good reason.

Connect with God

Recently a new Muslimah confided in me that she misses prayer when she is menstruating. She said that in the short time she has been Muslim, she feels a peace in her life when she prays salah. But she says she became distressed when she cannot pray.

I assured her that there was no reason to feel far from God because there is always a way to connect with God. “Make dua (supplicate)”, I told her. “Make dua at any time, in any place or situation.”

Allah (SWT) is always there to listen. Formal worship (salahis not the only avenue of communication we have with our Lord. We are never cut off from God.

In my formative years, growing up in the Catholic church, I was taught that if I needed something, I should pray to a saint who is the patron of that need or want. And this saint would be the intermediary between me and God. I was taught that if I needed forgiveness, I should go to confess to a priest.

Supplication to God was an option but not the most pushed option.

I was taught that we, a lowly creation, should be cautious about approaching God, that we should go through the more pious who have since passed on from this Earth.

God is Always There

Islam rejects this notion out of hand.

God is near. We need no intermediaries:

And when My servants ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near (to them by My Knowledge). I respond to the supplications of the supplicant when he calls on Me (without any mediator or intercessor). So, let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright. (Quran 2:186)

You Alone do we worship, and You Alone do we ask for help. (Quran 1:5)

In fact, it is God who is our intermediary:

O you who have believed, respond to Allah and to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. And know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart and that to Him you will be gathered. (Quran 8:24)

God tells us, without metaphor or mincing words:

Call me! I will answer. (Quran 40:60)

God’s Mercy means that we need not fear returning to Him to seek forgiveness, that we need no priest or imam to confess to.

Say, O My slaves who have transgressed against their souls; despair not of the Mercy of Allah: For Allah forgives all sins; for He is oft Forgiving, most Merciful. (Quran 39:53)

Indeed Allah loves those who repent and purify themselves(Quran 2:222)

The beauty of dua in Islam is that not only are we doing a tremendous good deed just by talking to God, which He will reward us for, we are also literally talking directly to the Greatest Power in the worlds.

Say, Call upon Allah, or call upon Ar Rahman (The Most Beneficent): By whatever name you call upon Him, (it is well): For to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names. (Quran 17:110)

I am Non-Arab… Should I Make Duaa in Arabic?

I am Non-Arab… Should I Make Duaa in Arabic?

Editor’s note: This article about making duaa in Arabic is based on a post by Imam Abu Eesa. Find it here.

Folks often worry about their duaa skills. There are many issues that we should all be concerned with; for example:

– not being regular in duaa,

– not striving for the best condition and times to make it,

– failing to make duaa for a long period,

– getting bored during it, not being creative,

– not researching issues properly,

– not reflecting on ourselves deeply so as to ask for the right things during it etc.

But the most common concern comes from those who are unable to supplicate in Arabic, or at least make mistakes in the Arabic.

Let me make this super clear: as long as the heart makes duaa then that’s the most important thing. Meaning, unlike reciting Surat Al-Fatihah in the daily obligatory prayers or whilst reciting the Quran, one doesn’t actually have to recite the duaa on the lips if they are unable to. Of course though, it is better and it is the Sunnah to recite it.

Is it a must to say duaa in Arabic?

I am Non-Arab... Should I Make Duaa in Arabic? - About Islam

Why Should I Make Duaa If God Has Already Decreed Everything?

But now over to Ibn Taymiyyah to really bring light to this issue so that perhaps you may change your duaa paradigm.

He was asked by a man who had made duaa incorrectly as per the rules of the Arabic language, and had then been told that it would now not be accepted by Allah. (Majmu`ul-Fatawa, 22/488)

Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah shower his soul with mercy) replied:

“Whoever told you that is sinful and has gone against the Quran, the Sunnah and what the Salaf were upon.

 If one calls upon Allah sincerely with any permissible supplication, Allah hears him, and He responds to him regardless of whether it was pronounced grammatically correct or not.

There is no basis for this man’s claim. Indeed, if a person isn’t au fait with grammar, then he certainly shouldn’t preoccupy himself with it (during his attempt at duaa).

Some of the Salaf used to say, “When grammar enters, tranquility leaves.” This is similar to how it is disliked to rhyme excessively in the duaa as well. If (the rhyming) naturally occurs without any exaggerating then that’s OK.

What matters is the heart

I am Non-Arab... Should I Make Duaa in Arabic? - About Islam

Hitting a Speed Bump in Your Duaa? Here is One Useful Tip

 But the essence of the duaa is from the heart, and the tongue is only a follower of the heart.

So whoever overly concerns himself with correcting his tongue, he weakens the focus of the heart. This is why the desperate and needy one makes duaa from the heart and he is given ease, yet previously his duaa was not so powerful. Indeed every believer knows this from his/her heart.

So, duaa is permissible in Arabic, and in other than Arabic, and Allah – may He be Exalted – knows the intention of the supplicant, even if his tongue is not up to speed.

For have no doubt, He knows the sound of all voices, expressed in all its various languages, asking for every possible need.”

Indeed. Allahu Akbar.

A Story of Having a Good End – The Power of Dua

Let us talk about Al-Mujeeb, the one who answers all dua (supplications). Let me share the story of a sister with you. She says it was the first day of Ramadan and my father had a heart attack while he was in the Masjid.

So they take him to the hospital and I hurry to the hospital… and I’m looking at my father and I see this beautiful old man, the man that took care of me when I was young, the man that changed my diapers, the man that took me to school, the man that tried his best to grant me every single thing that I desire… And I realized what a terrible daughter I was to him at that day.

So, I made dua to Allah and I said:

“O Allah, please grant him life so that I can show him the same righteousness that he showed me.”

And Allah brought him out of the heart attack and gave him life for four more months. In these four months, she did everything she possibly could. From cooking for him, cleaning for him, driving him to his appointments… Any wish or desire that he had, she would be the one fulfilling it.

But, at the end of the four months she starts to realize that life is really getting difficult for her father. He can’t go to the bathroom on his own; he can’t breathe on his own. And while it’s great to have him around the house, it’s unjust of me to want him to keep being alive but be suffering at the same time.

So, she makes dua to Allah:

“Oh Allah, please do not let him leave this world except in the state of obedience to You.”

So, the day of Friday comes four months later, he goes out for prayer, he comes home as if he is perfectly fine, perfectly healthy, nothing is wrong at all; he spends the whole day together with his family and friends… They pray isha and the father excuses himself. He says:

“I’m feeling tired.”

So, the youngest daughter takes him upstairs. And not even five minutes go by, she starts shouting: “Everyone come upstairs! Everyone come upstairs.”

So, everyone goes upstairs. And you can imagine as if you’re walking into that room and it is your own father that his spirit is leaving his body, his eyes are gazing up towards the skies…

And as that is happening, he’s saying:

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un.” And those are the words that he dies with.

A Man That Amazed Prophet Muhammad With His Dua

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is walking by and he’s listening to the prayer of a pious Bedouin man, even the Prophet (peace be upon him) does not know who he is.

This was a dua that would amaze the Prophet (peace be upon him). And you have to understand that the Prophet (peace be upon him) is more connected to his Lord than anyone else.

So, he senses that connection when he hears it from other people; and he appreciates that genuine connection that someone might have with Allah; even if they don’t call upon Him in the most perfect ways, but they call upon Him knowing how perfect He is and how capable He is.

The Dua

So, the Prophet (peace be upon him) heard this man calling out to Allah with this mind-blowing dua; and this is truly a mind-blowing dua, I might even have difficulty translating it to be honest with you. But this man calls upon Allah and he says:

Oh He whom the eyes do not see, nor can be mixed with doubts, nor can be described by any of those who describe; nor can be changed by any events, nor fears any oppressor or any person of perceived power; He knows the weights of the mountains, and He knows the measurements of the seas; and He knows the precise number of the rain drops, and He knows the number of leaves on the trees…

If you see how he’s encompassed thus far in this dua, all of the elements of nature, but he also understands that there are certain things that are not even perceived in terms of nature to him.

So, he continues after mentioning the amount of leaves that are on the trees. He says:

And He knows the number of whatever is shrouded in the darkness of the night and brightened by the light of the day; for whom no heaven or earth is concealed, nor a sea in its depths, nor a mountain in its ruggedness…

Praise Him

So this man has brought the entire creation into his dua, and he hasn’t even asked of Allah yet. And this teaches us that the praise of your Lord can never be exaggerated. So you praise and you praise and you praise…

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is blown away by this man’s dua as he encompasses everything around him in that supplication. And then he makes this dua:

And make the best of my life the end of it; the best of my deeds the last of them; and the best of my days the day that I meet you.

It is pretty much verbatim dua of Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him).

Read Also: Remembering God – At One With His Creations

The Prophet has he heard this dua, he actually appoints a man in the narration to stay with him and to wait for him to finish his prayer, meeting this Bedouin is just getting started, and to inform the Prophet (peace be upon him) when he’s done.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) comes back to him and he asks him who he is and where he’s from. So he says I’m just a man from Bani Amr tribe and the Prophet (peace be upon him) gives him a gift and he says to him:

Do you know why I’m giving you this gift?

He said:

“Maybe we’re related!”

The Prophet knows. He says:

It’s because of the beauty of your praise of Allah.

A person doesn’t have to be a poet to call upon Allah with beautiful praise. You’d be surprised how poetic you can be when you’re sincere.

And I think that’s the beauty of this particular dua of the simple Bedouin man who amazed the Prophet and whose supplication would find itself on the tongue of Abu Bakr Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with him).

Whenever You Are Afflicted, Say These 4 Powerful Duas

In a beautiful statement, Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq said:

“I am amazed at the one who has been afflicted with fear, and he does not flee to the Words of Allah:

Sufficient for us is Allah, and [He is] the best Disposer of affairs’

For verily Allah has said after it:

So they returned with favor from Allah and bounty, no harm having touched them.’ (Quran, 3:173-174)

And I am amazed at the person who is afflicted with sadness, and he does not flee to the Words of Allah:

There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.

For verily Allah has said after it:

So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the believers. (21:87-88)

And I am amazed at the person who is afflicted with betrayal and deception by people, and he does not flee to the Words of Allah:

I entrust my affair to Allah. Indeed, Allah is Seeing of [His] servants

For verily Allah has said after it:

So Allah protected him from the evils they plotted, and the people of Pharaoh were enveloped by the worst of punishment.’ (40:44-45)

And I am amazed at the person who is afflicted with sickness, and he does not flee to the Words of Allah:

Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.

For verily Allah has said after it:

So We responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity. And We gave him [back] his family and the like thereof with them as mercy from Us and a reminder for the worshipers [of Allah]. (21:83-84)

Let us ponder over these supplications, and what made them so wonderful.

Let us recite them ourselves in our times of grief, hardship or sadness so that like the people of old, we are given a miraculous outcome as well!

We start our journey with the Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him). He was an affluent person with a lot going good in his life. Then suddenly he fell ill. It was a skin disease where he had pus coming out of his body and all the people started moving away from him. Moreover, after an accident he lost many of his children.

Narrations mention that after nearly 14 years of suffering, he finally made this du’a to Allah. All he said was

Indeed, adversity has touched me, and you are the Most Merciful of the merciful.

The two aspects of this du’a that are part of the etiquette of making the du’a are:

1- Expressing his weakness

He tells Allah he has been touched by adversity, thereby expressing his helplessness about the situation.

2- Doesn’t blame Allah

He could have said, “Allah you tested me with adversity”, but rather said “adversity has touched me”, showing the respect to Allah that is part of our etiquette in du’a.

3- He asks for Allah’s Mercy

In spite of all that has gone on, the Prophet still asks for Allah’s mercy. He has not lost hope in Allah’s mercy in spite of all that has happened.

The second supplication we will look at is by the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) during the battle of Uhud. The companions had just suffered a bad defeat. The Quraysh were rallying for another round to finish off the Muslims.

Rumors were spreading that the Prophet himself had died. And in the midst of the Muslims, some hypocrites were saying that there are a lot of people against you, fear them! Yet, the Companions only had their faith increased, and in times of the greatest tribulation they said:

Sufficient for us is Allah, and He is the best Disposer of affairs.

When all means came to an end, they trusted their hearts on the Lord of the means. They knew where true help and true victory came from. Because Allah is the Best Caretaker of all affairs. He takes care of us while we do not recognize it.

Only during a time when we are in desperate need do we understand how much Allah really does take care of us. And Allah saved them, and delivered them.


When the Prophet Ibrahim was thrown into the fire, he said the same supplication and Allah changed the laws of nature for him so that the fire didn’t burn him. When Aisha was slandered, she made the same du’a, and Allah revealed 20 verses of the Quran protesting her innocence. What can we learn from this du’a?

4- Trusting in Allah

The people tried to put doubts in their hearts, but they trusted in Allah. They knew that no matter what happens, Allah will not let them down. One of the keys of having a du’a accepted is in completely trusting that Allah will deliver.

5- Letting Allah take care of it all

Not a leaf falls but Allah knows about it. When things do not seem right and we have no clue where to go and how to ask Allah, we can always just allow Him and His plan to take shape, because He is the Best Caretaker of affairs!

On from the first story of tremendous patience, to the second of unbelievable courage to the third today which we can relate to a bit more- du’a after committing a mistake. Yunus (peace be upon him) was a Prophet. He was a Prophet who went and called a nation to Islam.

However, when his people rejected, he got angry and left them. He boarded a ship and they hit a storm. Allah gave the people various signs, and part of it was that someone on the ship should be sent overboard.

They drew lots and all three times the person who came up was the Prophet Yunus. He accepted his fate and he was thrown overboard. That was bad enough. But, then a whale came up and swallowed him whole.

As he sat in the darkness, he remembered Allah. It was a dark night, and inside a dark ocean he was inside the belly of a whale, which was dark as well! From behind the three layers of darkness he called out:

There is no deity except You: exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.

Allah then ordered the whale to throw him up on the shore. In the depths of darkness, he called, and till date we know this du’a as “Du’a Yunus”.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that whoever asks Allah by saying this du’a will be granted their wish.

Moreover, one of the tricks of shaytan (satan) is that he makes us lose hope in Allah after having committed a sin. This du’a is proof that after making a mistake, we should turn to Allah even more! What is it that the Prophet Yunus taught us about du’a here?

6- Turning to Allah

No matter what he had done, he didn’t feel any qualms about turning to Allah during His time of need.

7- Allah helps His slave regardless of what was done in the past.

8- Admit Sins

Admitting sins is one of the ways our duas are made even more powerful. It is proof that Allah gives us not because of who we are, but because of His Grace and Generosity.


To the last of the verses, and it is the dua we recite commonly when we hear of anyone’s death. This is the dua that should be recited when disaster strikes. At the time of disaster is when we often forget Allah.

And hence remembering Allah at that time is mentioned, and straight after that Allah mentions that these people are those upon whom is Allah’s blessings and mercy. What an amazing reward!

When Abu Salamah, the husband of Umm Salamah, died, she was in a lot of grief. She made this very du’a and also asked Allah to provide her with something better than what she has gone through.

She wondered then if she would ever find a husband better than Abu Salamah. Lo and behold, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself proposed marriage to her!

Indeed we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return.

9- Ownership to Allah

This du’a is one where the one making du’a makes it clear that ownership belongs to Allah. In our times of disaster we have a feeling of control slipping from our lives. This du’a is a clarification that control might never be in our hands, but Allah has it all under control.

10- Reminder of the hereafter

Disasters are a way for Allah to make us yearn less for this world, and to yearn more for the hereafter. The hereafter is where Allah will right every wrong as well. And hence we finish the dua saying to Him we will return.

These 4 duas teach us 10 crucial lessons in making supplications to Allah. They teach us about what it is about these duas that make them so beloved to Allah that He has placed them in the Quran for them to be recited till the end of times.

So to summarize the 10 lessons that will help us make amazing du’a, they are:

  1. Expressing our weakness

  2. Not blaming Allah

  3. Never forgetting His Mercy

  4. Trusting that He will deliver

  5. Letting Him take care of what will happen

  6. Turning to Allah whenever we are in need

  7. Knowing He helps regardless of our past

  8. Admitting our sins

  9. Knowing that He owns everything

  10. Remembering the hereafter.

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